Monday, September 24, 2012

Will Steedman

Will Steedman

Team: Sexual Chocolate, Team Philippines, Boracay Ultimate
Address: Makati, Philippines

1. How did your ultimate career start? Do you have any idols or heroes?

Will: I started playing when I moved to Manila. Mainly started to make some friends since i was new in Philippines and didnt know anyone. My idol is Steve Nash.

2. What is your sports background and how did those skills transition into ultimate?

Will: I grew up playing competitive basketball, football (American) and soccer in the US. Understanding spacing and how to position yourself was invaluable, as it helped me be an effective Ultimate player before I even knew how to really throw.

3. What is your life outside ultimate like? Do you have any hobbies or interests?

Will: I play lot of sports still, particularly basketball and American football. I also love to travel.

4.  Every player has a different 'style' of play...what is yours?

Will: Aggressive

5. What is your primary position? Are you comfortable with it or you want to try different position?

Will: Mid-long. This is where I belong and I am comfortable with it.

6. Have there been individuals that have been major contributors to the growth of your Ultimate career?

Will: I started playing with Derek as a beginner and have been his teammate ever since I started. I learned a lot from him. Erik has also helped me learn the intricacies of the game a lot as well.

7. What do you prefer, Beach or Grass? Why?

Will: I prefer grass, as I can use my speed and jumping ability more to my advantage. I have trouble getting off the ground in beach.

8. What’s your plan now? Do you plan to stay involved in ultimate and want to raise your game? What skills would you like to improve?

Will: As I get older, I have been working more on my handling and break mark skills. I am usually one of the fastest guys on the field at any time, but I can't expect that to last long since I am almost 34 years old and decelerating!